FINA Rules Update Seminars for the South West

Gloucestershire Officials 

Neil Harper the Gloucestershire Officials Manager is holding two FINA 2017-2021 Rules update seminars for Licensed Technical Officials on Thursday 26th October and Thursday 23rd November both commencing at 1900hrs at the Best Western Gables Hotel, Falfield, South Gloucestershire.  

If any officials would like to attend from outside of Gloucestershire they would be most welcome and they should email Neil to reserve their place -

Dorset Officials

Over 70 Dorset Officials have attended one of six Rules updates held in September and early October, delivered by Jill Beard the Dorset and Regional Officials training and Development Coordinator.   More seminars will be arranged later in the year for those unable to attend so far.  for further details contact

Devon Officials

Devon is planning a seminar to be delivered by Jill Beard. The date will be announced shortly.  Officials are asked to contact Mel Jeynes, the Devon Officials Coordinator for further details -

Cornwall Officials

Cornwall are planning several events and details will be circulated by Maureen Davies, the Cornwall Officials Training and Development Coordinator - any queries please contact her on

Somerset Officials

Somerset are planning events and details will be circulated by Graham Cockill, the Somerset Officials Training and Development Coordinator - any queries please contact him on

Wiltshire Officials

Wiltshire are planning events and details will be circulated by Paul Robbins, the Wiltshire Officials Training and Development Coordinator - any queries please contact him on

Posted by Swim England South West on October 12th 2017

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