1. How do I become an affiliated club?
Visit our Running a Club page where you will find the affiliation process.
2. How do I log on to the SwimMark Portal?
Visit www.swimmark.org - as a Swim England Affiliated Club you will have a default log in. This will be your Swim England Membership number as the username and ‘Password1’ as the password. Please ensure your Accreditation Officer's details are up to date on the OMS for this to work. More about SwimMark accreditation can be found here - https://www.swimming.org/swimengland/swimmarks-faqs/
3. How do I receive the Regional Newsletter?
Fill in the subscribe link on the bottom of the website homepage to be added to the distribution list.
4. Do Swim England provide any template contracts of employment?
Swim England in conjunction with the Institute of Swimming (IOS), the British Swimming Coaches Association (BSCA) and Browne Jacobson LLP has produced employment contract documentation and guidance notes.
The following three documents are available - Contract for Services template, Employment Contract template and Guidance on Legal and Taxation Issues arising on the engagement of swimming coaches and teachers. These templates may be used by Club Officers to appoint potential employees and coaches on an employed or self employed basis. They are available to download via ‘BJ Access’, Browne Jacobson’s web based document sharing portal.
Swim England Legal Affairs department would, in particular, draw to the attention of clubs the legal and taxation implications of the distinction between employed and self employed teachers and coaches. Further information can be found on our website at:http://www.swimming.org/asa/clubs-and-members/club-officers-toolkit/
Access to the ‘BJ Access’ portal can only be obtained by Officers of Swim England affiliated clubs by emailing renewals@swimming.org with your name, email address, club name and club officer position.
Once we have verified your membership and club officer role we will register your details with Browne Jacobson and a ‘BJ Access’ invitation email will be sent to you which will allow you to create a personal login for the email address provided.
Queries can be directed to renewals@swimming.org.
5. What do clubs do if they have an athlete with a medical problem, like a swimmer with a severe nut allergy?
The club need to make a referral under the Medical Protocol so the SE Doctor can advise. Full information on this is available through the Swim England Website - https://www.swimming.org/members/how-to-resolve-issues-with-your-club/ - scroll down to point 5 which is the Medical Protocol.
6. What’s the process and costs for DBS checks?
Swim England provide all the information you need on DBS checks here - http://www.swimming.org/swimengland/dbs-faqs/
7. Does the club need a L2 coach on poolside for insurance purposes?
Only those members with the appropriate teaching or coaching qualifications are permitted to deliver within the club environment. We would refer you to Swim England for guidance on which qualification is required. E.g. level 1 teacher is only trained/qualified to support not run a teaching session and therefore when teaching should be under supervision of a level 2 or above.
Coach-led sessions must be undertaken by an appropriately qualified coach or teacher.
More details about Swim England affiliated club insurance can be found at https://www.swimming.org/members/swim-england-club-membership-insurance/
Swim England have also released a Coaching and Teaching Policy which is available here - https://www.swimming.org/swimengland/swim-england-coaching-policy-updated/
8. What Safeguarding training is acceptable? Can I renew my Safeguarding training online?
There are many variations in child safeguarding training workshops delivered throughout the country. Swim England is following the recommendations made by the Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU). Details can be found on page 53 and 54 of WavePower
Details of workshops which we run in the South West can be found on our Training Page.
9. What other FAQs are available on the Swin England website?
- Club Membership Process FAQs - http://www.swimming.org/swimengland/club-membership-process-faqs/
- SwimMark FAQs - https://www.swimming.org/swimengland/swimmarks-faqs/
- Online Membership System FAQs - http://www.swimming.org/swimengland/online-membership-system-faqs/
- International Permits FAQs - http://www.swimming.org/swimengland/international-permits-faqs/
- DBS FAQs - http://www.swimming.org/swimengland/dbs-faqs/
- Club Membership Renewal FAQs - http://www.swimming.org/swimengland/club-membership-renewal-faqs/
- How to buy Swim England Awards - http://www.swimming.org/swimengland/buy-swim-england-awards/
- Swimming Insurance Centre – http://www.asa.ps-websites.co.uk/faqs#FAQ_4