Roger Downing

Devon Representative & Vice Chair
Roger has been involved in swimming for 20+ years - originally as a parent helper, then teacher to coach, then licensed official for club and county.
His previous career was a senior bank manager and then early retirement brought him to a career managing a large firm of solicitors until final retirement a few years ago.
Roger was a competitive rugby player, although nowadays contents himself with watching rather than playing. Golf is now his sport of choice, although his competitive spirit hasn’t dimmed much!
Volunteering is in his DNA as he has been president of a local Rotary club twice in the last few years; is part of the committee who help manage the local swimming pool; is involved with the local churches and has been a blood donor for 30+ years and a few years ago was asked to become a platelet and plasma donor. Roger has donated over 350 units.
As a willing parent and volunteer, he was soon helping on poolside from 1999 and because he enjoyed the competitive element, embarked on IOS courses for teacher level 1 and 2 and then qualified as a club coach in 2005. As well as helping Torquay Leander swimming Club he helped coach the Devon squads, and coached many swimmers to National and Regional competition success.
Roger also qualified as a swimming official and has been a Level 2 judge for many years and still helps at the Devon Championships and of course local competitions. His administrative skills also took him along the path from Torquay Leander committee to Devon Management, Devon President in 2012 and Regional Management Board, Regional Vice Chairman and now President.