Meet the Regional Management Board and the Swim England team that support the Region.
Chrissie Robinson
Regional Chair

Diane Lee
Wiltshire Director
Chris Vickery
Admin and Event Coordinator
Jackie Hilleard
Regional Development Coordinator
Regional Welfare
Swim England South West take’s the welfare of all its members seriously. The welfare of children and young people is very important and we follow the recommendations included in Swim England‘s Wavepower manual.
The aim of Wavepower is to safeguard all children in line with current legislation, regulations and guidance and is for use within any Swim England affiliated organisation where children are present. Wavepower helps everyone in aquatics to understand their roles and responsibilities to safeguard all of our children and young people.
If you need any support or advice on how to manage a welfare issue in the first instance please contact your County Welfare Officer if you need further guidance then please contact our SESW Welfare and Governance Officer, Libby Bell, at more welfare and safeguarding information can be found under the clubs tab of our website.
Click here to view our Online Safety and Social Media policy
Click here to view our Photography policy