Swim England Connecting with Coaches Sessions
The next Connecting with Coaches sessions will be led by Swim England's Head of Safeguarding Kevin Suckling and Sport Governance and Welfare Manager Helen Weeks who will be providing an update on Safeguarding including the new team and focus, what happens when a concern is raised to the team and dispelling myths around coach investigations and suspensions.
The sessions will also include an update on the governance review of clubs managed or run by other organisations and a three point check list for coaches working with their club committees to ensure they feel fully supported.
Two sessions will be taking place on Friday 5th May 12.30-13.30 and Tuesday 9th May 18.30-19.30. Please use the link to register for one or both of these sessions: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ConnectwithCoaches
There will be an opportunity to ask questions at both sessions however to ensure the sessions run to time please send any questions you may have and would like sharing in the session (these can remain anonymous if preferred) to coaching@swimming.org
Posted by Swim England South West on April 20th 2023