Updates for Clubs
Updates to Employment and Consultancy Contrac templates for clubs
You may be aware that we updated the template contracts and guidance note in July 2014. Since this time there have been developments in the law relating to individuals employment status.
Our template agreements, and guidance note, have been reviewed and updated with the assistance of the law firm Browne Jacobson. As well as a template contract of employment and contract for services there is now a template casual worker contract. To access these documents please email renewals@swimming.org.
New GDPR Guideline documents are bring created
In previous communications we have signposted you to the Sport and Recreation Alliance website for GDPR template resources. We note that these documents are drafted to cover all types of sports organisations. We are now working in conjunction with a swimming club and specialist GDPR advisers to produce some guidance documents tailored for use in our organisation. We anticipate these helpful guides being ready at the end of the summer.
Updates to Club Governance Documents
Unincorporated model constitution and guidance note for clubs are in the process of being updated and will be available on the website next month.
Posted by Swim England South West on July 16th 2018