September Volunteer of the Month

Dave Beament of Keynsham and City of Bristol Swimming has received the award of Regional Volunteer of the Month for September.
Dave and his wife Thelia have been very involved with Keynsham Swimming clubc for many years. Dave was on the committee and Thelia was a coach. Dave had great enthusiasm and passion for the sport and was present at many swimming events or people know from from one committee or another.
Over the years Dave has invested time and commitment to Keynsham Swimming club, along with devoting time for the benefit of both the County and the Region. He was involved in developing the Auqae Sulis network and more recently has been involved with the massive task of the formation of the City of Bristol Swimming Club and Network. The amount of time and effort to see this particular project through only Dave and other members of the committee will know and we can only imagine.
Dave has been the chair of a committee which originally started as the Regional Swim21 Comittee. This has now developed into the Regional Club Development Committee. The knowledge Dave brings to this committee is impressive and the amount of research and work behind the scences he must have done was incredible.
More recently Dave has been heavily involved with the refurbished pool at Keynsham, he has attended numerous meetings and helped with the preparation of the meetings.
We so often say that swimmers and parents don’t appreciate what goes on behind the scenes in their clubs but with Dave we feel that many people who know him through swimming and perhaps associate him only with Keynsham, but have no idea of the hours he has put into other projects.
Posted by Swim England South West on September 1st 2018