Dorset ASA 90th Anniversary
Dorset County ASA celebrates it 90th Anniversary. The Inaugural Meeting was held at the Junction Hotel in Dorchester on 28 March 1931 and attended by President of the Western Counties ASA, Captain George de Vere Welchman, together with the Regional Treasurer Mr E W Jordan and Secretary Mr R A Colwill. An English diving champion from Sherborne, H E K (Keith) Sawtell, represented the Amateur Diving Association and having helped to bring the various swimming interests in the county together, was elected as the first President of the Dorset County ASA. Also present at the Inaugural Meeting were representatives of swimming clubs from Bridport, Dorchester, Lyme Regis, Wareham, Wimborne and Weymouth, while Poole SC affiliated in June 1931.
Read more on the Dorset ASA website by following this link: Dorset ASA Website

First page of the Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of Dorset County ASA

The earliest photo in the DCASA archive – the Men’s Water Polo Team of Bridport SC, not to be confused with the current Bridport Barracudas SC, taken some time in the 1920. The club was one of the first to affiliate with the new Dorset County ASA association in 1931.
Photo courtesy of J & D Hoskins – Dave Hoskins was WCASA President 1983.

Learning to swim in Dorset 1950’s style. Bridport Swimming Club’s Jill Hoskins takes a novice swimmer through his paces off the pier in West Bay, Bridport. Just out of view, the rope which Jill is holding is firmly tied around the waist of the swimmer!
Photo courtesy of J & D Hoskins.

Believed to date from 1931, this early example of diving in Dorset was taken at the original outdoor swimming baths in Kingland Road, Poole.
Photo courtesy of Poole SC.

The Men’s Water Polo Team from Poole SC proudly display The Dorset County Water Polo League Championship Shield having won the annual Championships in 1936. The first County cups were presented in 1931 for diving and both Men’s and Boys’ 100 yards Freestyle only.
Photo courtesy Poole SC.
Posted by Swim England South West on March 29th 2021