ACF National Swimming Competition
ACF National swimming competition
On Saturday 23rd November swimmers from across the south west region competed in the annual Army Cadet Force National swimming competition, held at Hindley leisure centre in Liverpool. The annual event is entered by regions from across the United Kingdom. This year’s team consisted of swimmers from Cornwall, Somerset, Bristol and Dorset.
The south west team, led by Cadet Force Adult Volunteer and Level 2 Swimming coach Mark Ovens consisted of swimmers from clubs across the southwest including Bristol Henleaze, Taunton Dean, Backwell and Seagulls, as well as non-club swimmers. They competed in Junior and Senior age groups, across all strokes, Individual Medley and team relays.
The swimmers from across the southwest region competed excellently and placed 2nd out of the 9 regions. This is the first time the south west has podiumed and achieved 2nd place. The Junior males also placed 1st overall in their category.
SW Overall class results from National Swimming:
Class A - Junior Boys - 1st
Class C - Junior Girls - 2nd
Class B - Senior Boys - 3rd
Class D - Senior Girls - 4th
Swimmers can benefit from a wide variety of personal skills, developed in over 180 detachments across the region. This could include time management, first aid, teaching techniques (for those swimmers that help in their clubs) and inter-personal skills.
Posted by Swim England South West on November 25th 2019