Swim England’s Value of Swimming Research
Swim England recently sent out a ‘Value of Swimming’ research survey to help collate information to demonstrate how involvement in aquatic activities has the power to help people live longer, healthier, happier lives.
In the South West Region, we are committed to championing the benefits of our sports and hope this research will help us to understand and demonstrate the social value that being part of a club brings to an individual, whether this be as an athlete, parent or club workforce.
The findings will be shared this summer and we would appreciate your help in encouraging as many of your members as possible to complete the survey. This is their opportunity to provide direct feedback on the ‘Value of Swimming’ providing useful insight which will help attract further members, investment and support clubs to become more sustainable.
The survey can be completed via the following webpage on the Swim England website – https://www.swimming.org/swimengland/value-club-swimming/
As an extra incentive, the club with the highest completion rate (as a percentage) amongst their members will win a £100 Institute of Swimming Voucher.
Swim England members will be offered the opportunity to enter into a prize draw to win two tickets for the British Swimming Championships (14 -19 April 2020) and two £20 love2shop vouchers.
Please find attached some suggestions to help with promotions of the survey. The online survey will close on Sunday 22nd March.
Our aim in the South West Region is to obtain the highest completion rate nationally so we thank you in advance for your support.
Posted by Swim England South West on March 2nd 2020