Swim England National Awards 2019

The Swim England National awards were held in Birmingham on Saturday 30th November. The South West did exceptionally well with 6 out of our 9 Regional winners receiving Bronze, Silver or Gold recognition. 

Bristol Penguin Olympic SC received the Gold award as Swim England Club of the Year  And Maureen Davies (Truro City) was awarded Gold as SE Official of the Year.

Kerry Rutherford (Swindon Dolphin ASC) was recognised with a Silver award in the SE Youth Volunteer of the Year Category whilst Martin Walters (Exeter City SC) was recognised with Silver in the SE Volunteer of the Year Category The Region’s third Silver award was awarded to Suzanna Hext (Swindon Dolphin ASC) in the Personal Achievement award category.

Tia Crews (Devonport Royals Swimming Association) was recognised with a Bronze award in the SE Youth Achievement Award.

A massive congratulations to all our winners, you have made the South West Region very proud. 

Bristol Penguins - Swim England Club of the Year
Maureen Davies - Swim England Official of the Year
Kerry Rutherford - Swim England Silver award in the Youth Volunteer of the Year
Martin Walters - Swim England Silver award in Volunteer of the Year
Tia Crews - Swim England Bronze Award in Youth Achievement
Suzanna Hext (Rep) - Swim England Silver Award in Personal Achievement Category

Posted by Swim England South West on December 4th 2019

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