SW Water Polo Regional Training Academies
The South West Water Polo Regional Academy Training sessions for 2021 are soon to return and we are inviting new players to attend.
The South West Water Polo Regional Academy aims to promote, train and support junior water polo players throughout the South West in an attempt to advance their participation in the sport. Traditionally players who have represented their county at the various age groups have attended the Academy to further their skills and attempt selection to the South West Regional team which play at Inter Regional events. Additionally some of the stronger players in the Regional Academies may get recommended to the National Academy.
In addition to these players in 2021 we are also holding development session for more players from within the south west who want to progress. The sessions are two hours long so a level of swim fitness is needed but we are inviting all water polo players born between 2008 and 2010 who currently train at a club in the South West Region.
The Academy holds seven sessions a year at Millfield School in Somerset. The 2 hour sessions are run for boys and girls (separate sessions with some cross training) in two different age categories. We realise that COVID may force us to change these plans for 2020 but feel now is the correct time to start putting arrangements in place.
If you would like to try the first session or have any questions please reply to this email on one of the two email address below by the end of January confirming so numbers can be planned for.
Boys – southwestboysacademy@gmail.com
Girls – southwest.wp.girls@gmail.com
Locations and Dates of the Regional Academy for 2021
The Regional Academy will be held on the following dates and times. The younger age groups will be in the pool for the first 2 hours, older age groups will be in the pool for the later 2 hours of each academy training date:
Younger Age Groups (early session) - Year of Birth 2008, 2009 & 2010.
Older Age Groups (latter session) - Year of Birth 2007, 2006, 2005 & 2004.
South West Water Polo Academy’s will be held at: Millfield School Swimming Pool, Keen's Elm Ln, Street. BA16 0ST.
Saturday 13th February 5pm - 9pm
Saturday 6th March 6pm - 10pm
Saturday 17th April 5pm - 9pm
Saturday 8th May 6pm - 10pm
Saturday 11th September 5pm - 9pm
Saturday 9th October 5pm - 9pm
Saturday 13th November 5pm - 9pm
Payment details
The charge for attending the seven 2021 sessions has been kept the same, at £10 (Cash on the day) for the first session and £60 for the remainder of the year by bank transfer. This charge is a contribution to the cost of running the sessions and is subsidised by the region. Players are not able to pay on a per session basis after the first session.
Swim England South West - Water Polo
Posted by Swim England South West on December 21st 2020