Successful Second Pathway Camp
Day two of the Regional Pathway Programme 2018 was a great success with swimmers focusing on fundamental skills which are vital for each swimmer to achieve their true potential.
The focus for the second camp was backstroke turns & finishes (am session) and breaststroke starts & turns (pm session). This was then complimented with strength and conditioning work which reinforced skills practiced in the pool.
The swimmers also took part in a nutrition talk after lunch which was very informative for all. The swimmers brought credit to them selves with the level of interaction and engagement through the presentation.
Eight coaches from across the region took the opportunity to attended the camp and observe the sessions, giving them a new knowledge base and set of skills to take back to the home club environment.
The last day of this years camp will be on the 2nd of December and all are encouraged to attend if available. Email Stacey Millett - - to let us know you will be coming along.

Posted by Swim England South West on October 29th 2018