Parent in Sport Week - Sports Parents Promise
The NSPCC have their Parents in Sport Week coming up during 7-13th October, this is a national campaign which looks to increase positive parental involvement in Youth Sport and, by doing so, improve the experiences of young people across the UK.
This year the aim of the campaign is to get parents to make the Sport Parents Promise to encourage their child’s safe enjoyment within sport.
The promise outlines what makes a great sports parent. Signing this promise allows parents to acknowledge their contribution they make to their child’s enjoyment of sport, and allow clubs, coach and other sports organisations to really get parents involved with voluntary work and taking an interest in their child’s sporting life.
The promise is supported by important and helpful information parents need to help keep their child safe in sport and support them in the best way they can.
Please click hereto find out more information about the Sport Parent Promise.
Posted by Swim England South West on October 9th 2019