October Volunteer of the Month

At Burnham on Sea Swimming Club they have a problem, it's the subject of many discussions at committee meetings. That problem is Mike! What do they do about Mike? The problem is that he is irreplaceable to their club and at 80+years of age, they are facing the unthinkable possibility that he might be considering retirement.
Mike Lawrence has taught voluntarily for Burnham on Sea swimming club for as long as people remember, in excess of 15 years and it could be beyond that. He is committed to the club and consistently turns up every week, he teaches their 30 minute Dolphins class, NPTS Level 5 plus he coaches the developing squad on Tuesday evenings for an hour, then coming back on Thursday evenings for another hour to teach and coach the junior squad. If Mike can’t make it, he always lets them know.
Mike understands each swimmer and their needs and takes time to work with each swimmer individually, Burnham simply don’t know how he does it. He will give nervous swimmers confidence; he observes swimmers individually and gives them specific support and teaching but in a very special way at every single session. They have never known Mike to have an ‘off day’. Swimmers feel relaxed and welcome and he always makes time for their parents too! Mike’s calm relaxed and friendly approach gets the best out of the swimmers. He helps them believe in themselves and instils a love of swimming and encourages the older swimmers to volunteer and begin their teaching and coaching journeys.
Mike is kind, he supports the club’s needs, liaises with parents and is a very popular member of the club, simply put, everyone loves Mike.
Burnham on Sea believe that every single swimmer in our club has at one point been taught by Mike and they all have great things to say about him. Parents comment on how good Mike is and how well their swimmers relate to him and listen to his instruction. Every swimmer enjoys being taught by Mike, on some occasion’s swimmers have been nervous moving up to Mike’s class, often from a female teacher but once they’ve been in his class they then don’t want to leave.
If all teacher’s had the same determination to make a difference to every swimmer, they would be running the best club in the Country, without a doubt.
Mike also volunteers his time to teach school children during their school day, he is so passionate about our sport and giving every swimmer the opportunity to do their very best at every single session.
Mike’s swimmer focused determination and attitude has facilitated countless swimmers to achieve their very best in the water and to love the sport.
He is the best advocate and ambassador of the sport. Mike wouldn't think his commitment, enthusiasm and dedication to the club was anything out of the ordinary, Burnham on Sea think the world of him and would love him to get the national recognition he so thoroughly deserves.
Posted by Swim England South West on October 1st 2019