New Head Coach for City of Bristol
Selection of Matt Puddy’s replacement is now complete, after twenty five coach’s Worldwide applied for the vacancy, a challenging selection process saw the original candidates reduced to three excellent coaches. The final phase of the process took place over the 8 and 9th March, it involved a one and half hour pool session and forty minutes formal presentation including a question and answer session. One candidate shone through the process and after a small discussion the selection panel have chosen our new Head Coach.
Congratulations to Lisa Atkinson, currently the Head Coach of Maxwell SC showed to have the drive, enthusiasm and passion to take CoB to become one of the top Clubs Nationally. Lisa has a proven coaching pedigree with Maxwell SC and has experience in Strength and Conditioning a major part of her CV.
It is proposed she will start with CoB on Wednesday 9th May after the Regional Championships as she wished to take her current swimmers through this competition before leaving Maxwell. It is planned that she will attend a Parent Meeting sometime in April, date to be confirmed. You may also see her visiting the Club as she gets to know the Club before her start date.
Posted by Swim England South West on March 20th 2018