May Volunteer of the Month

Claire Abbott of Yeovil and District Swimming Club has received the award of Regional Volunteer of the Month for May.
Claires son joined Yeovil and District Swimming club in September last year at which point Claire thought that all the coaches were paid! As soon as she realised they were all volunteers she instantly stood up to the mark and starting helping the club.
She attend the first J1 course that she could and is now well on the way to becoming a qualified official. She also organised a team bulding event for the lowers squads which was a great success, however her main contribution to date has been in helping with our Easter Swimmeet, without prompting she has visted well over 75 local companies to gain support and prices for the raffle, under the current economic climate I think this is a fantastic achievement.
Claire has quickly become a very good assesst to the club is always very bubbly and enthustic. Although not ‘frontline’ ie cocahing or on the committee, whats she has done for the club to date can not be underestimated.
If others see that she has be recognised for her hard work it may encourage them to step forward.
Congratulations Claire on your achievements.
Posted by Swim England South West on May 1st 2019