Launch of the Volunteer Coordinator Network Support Package

Calling all club/county Volunteer Coordinators (or interested volunteers)! you are invited to attend the South West Launch of the Volunteer Network Support Package and Development Morning for Volunteer Coordinators (or volunteers who are interested to find out more about the new programme.
When? Sunday 8th September 2019
Time? 930am for 10am start until 1230pm
Where? Holiday Inn , Deane Gate, TauntonTA1 2UA
We will be joined by The Swim England Head of Volunteering and Pathways and The Swim England Volunteering and Pathways Coordinator.
Agenda (to be finalised)
- Launch of the Swim England Volunteer Coordinator Network and Package
- Volunteer Development Workshop
- Q & A Session
- What next for Volunteering support and development in the South West.
This is a free event funded by the Swim England South West Regional Board
Please RSVP to Jackie Hilleard Swim England South West Regional Development Coordinator –
If you have any queries or suggestions of areas of volunteering that you would like covered please contact Jackie .
Posted by Swim England South West on July 26th 2019