July Volunteer of the Month

Joseph O'Keefe of Poole Swimming Club has received the award of Regional Volunteer of the Month for July.
Joe has been nominated for Volunteer of the Month for going that extra mile at our Regional Championships in Plymouth this year but also in previous years at Millfield.
Joe undertakes the Announcer role at our Regional events when no one else wants to undertake the task and he does the role to an extremely high level of professionalism giving the correct information at the correct time, not talking too much but encouraging the spectators when required. He makes the event flow at just the correct speed, he knows the system and can help with withdrawals etc. He will do whatever he can to ensure the event is planned accurately and will communicate on all levels as required. He has just spent three whole days from 8am until 7 pm delivering the Regional Championships and personally deserves a medal.
The impact to the Region is the professional delivery of an extremely busy and fast paced meet to a very high standard.
The swimmers are happy to approach him and he responds equally professionally.
Without him the delivery of this meet would simply not have happened so professionally and in previous years Joe has always stepped up when there has been no one to deliver this role and he is always willing, happy to help and never moans.
Congratulations Joseph on your achievements.
Posted by Swim England South West on July 1st 2019