British Blind Sport 'See My Voice'
See My Voice is an inclusive sports volunteering and leadership programme that will support young people with a VI to develop new skills, gain experience, make new friends and empower them to voice their opinions. The staff at BBS are really excited about the impact this project could make on the lives of those involved but also the wider impact on the sport sector where he hope to open minds and doors for VI people and disabled people in future.
We aim to recruit 35 Young Leaders annually over the three year project. I’ve attached an information sheet which should provide all the info needed. We are also developing project branding that will be available very soon. Once we have recruited our Young Leaders and found out what sort of roles they want to deliver, we will be looking for placements local to them where they can undertake their social action. If your organisation or clubs feel they can play a part in this, please contact our project officer Lijana Kaziow –
We are open for applications now and would welcome your support in recruiting any 11-18 year olds with a VI. If you know someone who could benefit from joining the programme or are able to circulate this through your channels, newsletters and social media platforms that would be much appreciated. I have scripted suggested social media messaging for use below. Applications for the first year must be made by 29th January. We also have posts on both our British Blind Sport Facebook and Twitter accounts if it’s easier to share.
“We are happy to support the British Blind Sport See My Voice programme. See My Voice is a national, inclusive sports volunteering and leadership programme supporting 11-18 year olds with a visual impairment. For details and how to apply before 29th Jan -”.
Posted by Swim England South West on January 12th 2018